I Reckon Life

Monday, April 24, 2006

Another of my Unfulfilled Dream

Firstly, my heartfelt thanks to each and every wish for b'day and exam and general ones. It over-whelming! I've never had so many b'day wishes before :D Belated ones are still flowing in ;) Well I sincerely believe that when wishes are for a whole lifetime then a few days here and there don't matter :) Thanks neetie. Oh the same goes for thanks too ;) So pls everyone accept my belated thanks - was 'busy killing-time' (sounds so oxymoronic!) and with exams hence did not reply to comments.

Secondly, I had not thought that half the people reading it would fall for the prank even after seeing the date ;-) Still those who fell for the prank - their wishes for a better life were over whelming. No I am not going anywhere. Just getting degree normally, normal job, an average life overall :P

Wrote this years ago. But its now that I cannot sleep whole night missing someone and affirming my belief in miracles at 5 am!

What if I knew a lil' bit of Magic ?
These nights wouldn't have been, then, so tragic.
for,then I won't be dozing off here.
instead, we would have been near.

I wouldn't have to sit here & miss you so much.
would have fulfiled my wish, of you to touch.
yes, to touch you, to feel you, to talk to you all night.
since u are the only thing that seem so right.

But ain't I making a fool of the reality around me.
but isn't it you and your name that right now surround me?
Oh yes, even this reality is soo relative a term, it seems!
Anyways this magic will remain just another of my unfulfilled dreams.

Location : balcony of my room after an all-nighter. early morning time.
. . . and wanting to fly to her !!

Current Music: I Believe in Miracles!


Saturday, April 01, 2006


Thanks to all who wished me and who are gonna wish me, on fool's day ;-)

I am remembering how wonderful this day was last year :) But since then lotsa things have changed! And also I have got really bored of this place :( I mean I am doing nothing at all - feel like living a dog's life - eating and sleeping (even worse there aren't any bitches around!!!! hehehe)

I cann't see where this stupid degree in chemical engg. is gonna take me! I find no one working as chemical engineer after going out from here, all of us are gonna be in IT or management fields! And so long in here.... I am already pissed off too much and just want to get out of here asap! I need change!

These schoolmates of mine (one from IITB and another from IITR) have started JEE coaching, which I am planning to go for! To hell with this degree!!!!!!! Coaching business pays a lot more than this degree can fetch me and I've always loved teaching! Finally I am gonna be a 'freebird' again :) I am ditching my final year project and this good-for-nothing degree and moving over with them . . . would leave the institute for good, very soon!

Ahhh . . . . FINALLY . . . AT LAST!

Have been contemplating since so long; parents are yet to know.
Given the busy schedules in teaching I wont be here in blog world anymore - this could as well be taken to be my last post! I am gonna miss all you guys and my close online friends *hugs* & this room, this hostel :-(

I am SORRY to each and everyone whom I have hurt in ANY way; I've always been a very frank person and hurting was never intentional!

Finally wish me luck!!! I am gonna need loads of it.
Goodbye =;

Current Songs : Lynyrd Skynard's Freebird, and ICK's - Fuck The World!